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Eurasian otter

Lutra lutra

The Eurasian otter is a playful animal, especially during mating season when otter couples race around together. In the winter, you sometimes even see the otter slide down snowy hills on its belly. The Eurasian otter typically hunts in water but eats its prey on dry land. Its vocalisations mostly consist of high-pitched chirping.

In the winter, the Eurasian otter is a familiar sight around thawed bodies of water in urban areas.


The otter is once again classified as a least-concern species in Finland. This has not always been the case, as excessive hunting has nearly eradicated the species twice from our country. Thanks to protective efforts, the otter now fares better in Finland than globally on average. However, the species is threatened by water pollution and traffic, particularly elsewhere in Europe.

Protection has altered the behaviour of otters – they are now much tamer than before. When otters could be hunted, it was the tamer ones that were shot while the shyer ones were left alive. Now one can see very curious otters that have grown accustomed to humans close by human habitation.

This species and the individuals living in Korkeasaari Zoo are part of an ex-situ conservation programme by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria EAZA, known as the EEP. 


EAZA Ex-situ Programme

EEP-suojeluohjelman sarvikuonologo


Endangerment in Finland

LC - elinvoimainen



ranta joki


kalat ravut sammakot jyrsijät munat


Saukko pituus 85–140 cm,


Up to 22 years

Scientific classification

Order: Carnivora
Family: Mustelidae