
Red panda

Ailurus fulgens

The red panda is, despite its name, a closer relative of the racoon than the giant panda. Like the giant panda, the red panda’s favourite food is bamboo, but it eats a lot of other foods too.

The red panda is a skilled climber and likes to nap curled up on the fork of a branch. The female gives birth to her cubs in a nest in a tree hollow, from which the cubs only climb out after a few months. Each red panda’s mask pattern is unique.


This species and the individuals living in Korkeasaari Zoo are part of an ex-situ conservation programme by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria EAZA, known as the EEP.  The aim of the EEP is to maintain a healthy zoo population of the species, and to make reintroductions to the wild possible in the future. The EEP of this species is coordinated by Korkeasaari Zoo. 

Korkeasaari Zoo has an ongoing project to support the conservation of red pandas in the wild. You can also support the conservation by donating! 

Cat Valley

EAZA Ex-situ Programme

EEP-suojeluohjelman sarvikuonologo




vuoristo lehtimetsä


bambu lehdet hedelmät juuret kuoriaiset pikkulinnut munat


Pikkupanda korkeus 25–30 cm, pituus 50–60 cm, paino 3–6 kg


8-10 years

Scientific classification

Order: Carnivora
Family: Ailuridae