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Zoo etiquette

By following the rules of Korkeasaari Zoo, a visit is fun for everyone. Please also respect the zoo's opening hours: you must leave the zoo by closing time. Welcome to the island of animals!

Do not feed the animals

The zookeepers take good care of the animals, so please do not give your food to the animals. They may become ill if the food is unsuited for them, and overfeeding is not healthy for them either. Please do not take away any feathers or hair as they may carry unwanted visitors to your home.

Do not disturb the animals

The zoo is home for the animals, so please do not disturb them. Animals feel threatened by the sound of knocking the windows or fences, throwing sticks or shouting. Please respect also the native wild animals you encounter around Korkeasaari Zoo. Drones are not allowed in the Zoo area.

The animals are dangerous

The animals in the zoo are wild, unpredictable, and potentially dangerous. When disturbed, they will defend themselves by ramming, biting, scratching, or spitting. The fences are there to protect both the animals and visitors.

No pets allowed

Pets do not enjoy visiting the zoo. In the zoo, they also pose a health risk to wild animals, and pets may also pick up infections. The zoo is a quarantine area, so you cannot bring a guide dog or assistance animal to Korkeasaari Zoo either.

Walking only

Visitors are not allowed to ride bicycles around the zoo. Skateboards, rollerblades, and scooters are also too speedy for the hilly routes around the zoo. You can leave your vehicle in the bicycle park near the zoo gate.
For kids under seven years old, kick scooters and bikes are allowed, except for special events.

Do not litter

People and animals all prefer a clean and litter-free zoo. Please put your litter in the bins provided and recycle. Litter bins are on almost every corner.

Any damage to the zoo’s property is prohibited.

Smoke only on designated areas

Korkeasaari Zoo is a smoke-free Helsinki destination. There are three designated smoking areas, which can be found on the zoo’s maps. Otherwise, smoking is prohibited in the zoo. This also applies to the use of electric cigarettes.

Feel free to grill, but not with a disposable grill

Disposable instant grills are not allowed for picnics at Korkeasaari Zoo. Visitors can use the permanent grills on the island, located around the island.


  • Report any incidents or disturbances to the staff.
  • If you need assistance, please call the zoo’s control centre: +358 50 352 5989
  • In case of danger, follow the instructions given by the staff.
  • Theft and other crimes are always reported to the police.
  • Any damage to the zoo’s property is prohibited. In the case of intentional acts, the perpetrator will be liable to pay compensation for the damage caused.

There are restaurants on the zoo’s premises with alcohol licenses. Otherwise, the consumption of alcoholic beverages on zoo premises is prohibited. It is also forbidden to be intoxicated or under the influence of any other intoxicating substance in the zoo.

Any person or group who fails to comply with zoo etiquette, the zoo’s rules of order, or instructions or orders given by staff may be ordered to leave the zoo premises and may be temporarily banned from the zoo.

First aid

  • Our staff know where to find first aid supplies, and most of the zoo staff have received first aid training. If there are no staff around, you can get help by calling the zoo’s control centre on +358 50 352 5989.
  • In a life-threatening situation, always call the public emergency number 112.
  • There are four defibrillators at Korkeasaari Zoo. They are located in the lobby of the house Amazonia, in the Bear Castle picnic room, and in the staff quarters.