Vicugna vicugna
The slender vicuna is a camelid that is perfectly adapted to the harsh conditions of the towering Andes. Its lower front teeth grow constantly. The teeth wear down because of the coarseness of the mountain plants on which this animal feeds.
Vicunas live in harem-like herds that are constantly vigilant. Thanks to their excellent vision, these animals can spot danger at great distances. In emergencies, vicunas extend their neck and sprint away at speeds reaching 50 km/h. They can also defend themselves by kicking and spitting.
Vicuna males boast to each other with their long chest hairs.
In the mid-20th century, the vicuna population dwindled to an alarming level, but, thanks to successful protection measures, the species is now faring better.
Den här arten och individerna som lever i Högholmens djurpark är med i EAZA Ex-situ Programme, EEP, ett skyddsprogram som organiseras av den europeiska djurparksföreningen EAZA.