Bukhara urial
Ovis vignei bochariensis
Bukhara urial is a wild relative of the domesticated sheep. It lives in the south-west regions of Asia and the species is divided into a few subspecies. The subspecies living in Korkeasaari Zoo has best adapted to mountainous environments and it is the most north-easterly of the subspecies. Snow leopards also sneak around the same neighbourhoods.
The coat of the Bukhara urial is not as woolly as that of a farm sheep, but the ram’s twirly horns can reach lengths of up to one metre! The smaller female, or ewe, with smaller horns gives birth to one or two lambs in the spring.
Bukhara urial is threatened by excessive hunting and competition over pasture lands with domestic animals. Cross breeding with domesticated sheep may also hinder the survival of the species.
The species and the individuals living in Korkeasaari Zoo are part of an ex-situ conservation programme by the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria EAZA, known as the EEP. The aim of the EEP is to maintain a healthy zoo population of the species, and to make reintroductions to the wild possible in the future if needed.